Most people who read books are interested in becoming book reviewer, but it is not easy to take the step and become a book reviewer. It is a lot of hard work and effort. Book reviewers are in such high demand that there just aren’t enough of them to keep up. There are books and money to be made as a book reviewer, especially if you can start now. It is easier than you could ever imagine.
Writing book reviews is a good way of making money. It is also great that you get a free book as a part of the deal. It is a good way to express yourself as it is not just about making a summary of the book; it is also about your personal statement of beliefs about this book including its story line and characters among other things. E-zines will pay you $10 – $25 for a review and a publisher may pay as much a s$50 per review. There are those that pay per word also and some newspapers may offer you a monthly or weekly column. Isn’t this a good avenue for making money?
The guidelines for writing all book reviews are simple and you can begin making money. Start with the title of the book, the author and the publisher in the first paragraph of the review, following this should be a short summary of the story. Then you will give an evaluation of the story. Do not write your personal reaction, just state what you liked and what you didn’t like and the feeling felt after reading it.
There are additional guidelines. For nonfiction your review will flow from beginning to a list of topics, to the intended purpose and the audience for the book, to your evaluation of whether it has fulfilled its purpose and then to your overall opinion of the book. Remember that non-fiction reviews are better for making money. For fiction reviews you start with the beginning, followed by a basic plot, followed by an introduction of the main characters which is followed by the evaluation and then your personal opinion of the book and its contents.
On the best way to make improvements on your book reviewing aptitudes, take after this basic steps. Ask yourself what you would need to know before picking or declining a book to review, and change the review to incorporate any germane information you might have barred. On the off chance that you wince at the grammar or nod off by the tenth word, transform it. In the event that it’s fiction, ensure there are no spoilers. Try not to put your own emotional and reaction to the review, assemble significantly more believability by not putting forth unfounded expressions that may essentially be an emotional reaction. Approve your statements with a clarification. in any case, to give enough particular information that is required and individuals can choose for themselves on the off chance that it is a decent.
Finally ask if your review has answered all questions you had about the book when you started to review. If yes you have made tremendous improvements on your book reviewing skills